Language Training 4 You

Online Language Training: EOI, Cambridge, APTIS and more!


Learning English for your Certification Needs. Online. 100% Free

  • Travel

    Lesson Plan (B2-C1) Timing: 60» In this powerpoint you’ll find some activities having to do with traveling. For a printable version of the video quiz, see below.

  • Writing Part 1: School

    You are a member of a study club. You are talking in the society’s chatroom. Use 30-40 words per answer. Lola345: Hi guys! I’m struggling with getting hands down to studying this term’s finals. I just can’t seem to focus. Do you have any advice to concentrate better for my exams? Reply:  JohannDaBest: Hello. Could…

About Me

Judith is the main writer and has been teaching English for more than five years.

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